What is Operational Accountability?

ezCater is deeply committed to reliability. Our customers rely on us to deliver their full order on time, exactly as ordered. There are eight operational metrics we expect our partners to uphold.  If any partners fail to meet our expectations, we will temporarily pause their store, beginning with rejection and cancellation rates. We expect our partners to make the necessary updates to their settings, parameters, and any adjustments to in-store operations to meet our expectations to stay in good standing and remain visible on the marketplace.

Our customers tell us that rejections and cancellations are two of the most painful negative experiences. They depend on us to fulfill every single one of their orders reliably. If you fall below our minimum performance expectations listed below, your store will be paused on the ezCater marketplace for two weeks. Once you’re unpaused, you’ll have a new 90-day period to accept and fulfill orders and get your metrics up to our standard. Catering Partners who have been paused three times will be decommissioned from the ezCater platform. Use the chart below to understand our rejection and cancellation thresholds and make improvements to your operation to avoid the inconvenience of being paused. 

Maximum Rejections Per 90 Days before being paused

6 orders or less 

3 rejections or >50% rejection rate

7 orders or more

>30% rejection rate

Maximum Cancellations Per 90 Days before being paused

6 orders or less 

2 cancellations or >33% cancellation rate

7 orders or more

>10% cancellation rate

ezCater is deeply committed to being the most reliable business catering platform by providing tools and resources to all of our Catering Partners to successfully deliver all orders reliably. Greater reliability means greater customer satisfaction and loyalty — and greater success for us all. 

Review our operational metrics and standards, or sign up for a training webinar to learn how to be a reliable partner and avoid any interruptions. For additional questions please reach out to partnersuccess@ezcater.com