Our customers are primarily searching ezCater.com using specific delivery addresses, which helps our system easily filter through our marketplace of over 60,000 caterers. If you search using zip codes or by entering a city name, the results can be a little trickier to sift through.
Try following these steps to find your ezCater listing, and to experience how a customer can view your menu:
- Navigate to ezCater.com in your web browser.
- Enter a delivery address in the white search bar– we recommend choosing the address of an office building, hospital, or school that’s nearby and within your store’s delivery range. Press “Search.”
- You should now be seeing a white page with a listing of all the caterer partners available to delivery to the address you have entered. Locate the bright green headings at the top of the page– you will see the delivery address listed there already.
- Add an event date and time under the “When” heading, but remember to take your restaurant’s lead time into account! (If you have a 24-hour lead time and you are searching at 8:00am for a lunchtime delivery that day, you would not appear in the search results!)
- Add the headcount of your group, and press “Save.”
- You are now viewing all of the caterers who can deliver to your delivery address at your desired time. Use the food type filters (located just above the caterer listings) to navigate to smaller subsections of the search results, and try a few that you think would be relevant to your business.
- Depending on your ranking and the density of the market you are searching in, you should now be able to easily find yourself! Simply scroll down the page or click at the bottom of the page to view additional results pages.
Our search results are populated based on several factors, and although distance from the delivery location does play a role, it is not the only factor the search algorithm listens to. If there is a delivery address that can be met by multiple locations of a similar brand, then our system will choose the most popular location (with the highest star rating) to display to customers, in an effort to provide the best possible experience for our customers.