How do reviews work on ezCater?

Reviews on ezCater are pulled from your Yelp listing until you’ve received 8 ezCater reviews. During this initial period, we show customers a simple star rating rather than a list of detailed reviews. If you do not have a Yelp account, you will either have no rating, or the average rating of your brand on ezCater. It is important that our mutual customers get an impression of the quality of work you create mixed with your online presence. Through extensive user testing, we've found that the appearance of your rating significantly increases customer satisfaction.

Once you do begin to receive ezCater reviews, our algorithm uses a weighted system to calculate your star rating. For example, if you’ve received 6 ezCater reviews, 75% of your rating is pulled from ezCater, and 25% is from Yelp. Once you hit 8+ ezCater reviews, your star rating is calculated exclusively from our customers’ feedback and we won't show any Yelp data moving forward.

Unfortunately, we are not able to pull ratings or reviews from Facebook, TripAdvisor, Google, or any other website — Yelp is the only outside resource that can integrate with our system at this time.