Why is reliability important?

How ezCater defines reliability:

We define a reliable order as one that is delivered on timein full, and exactly as expected by our customer. 

What it means to our customers: 

Our customers plan their events with the expectation that the food will arrive and be ready to eat at the time they requested. When orders are late, in minor situations it can cause frustration and in major situations, it can cost people jobs, clients, their reputation, and money.

Please review our operational metrics to understand how to be a high performing catering partner on the ezCater marketplace and attract repeat customers. 

Customer ordering tendencies 

Business orderers are uniquely high value customers. Compared to residential or consumer catering, business catering provides a uniquely valuable opportunity because many business customers place large group orders frequently, and the overall market has steady and predictable spending patterns throughout the year. 

Business catering customers also tend to spend generously per person. The average ezCater order, for instance, is over $375 for 23 people. Over time, individual customers can spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on catering.

Business customers typically place orders for delivery between Tuesday and Thursday which helps restaurants maximize their labor resources in an efficient way. Additionally, the majority of corporate orders are delivered before noon, allowing restaurants to prepare the food before the lunch rush and start the day with profitable orders. 


Source: ezCater’s 2023 Feeding the Workplace Report

Customer Priorities 

When restaurants are introduced to customers in a workplace setting, whether as part of a recurring lunch delivery program or at a one-off business meeting, there’s a good chance that those customers might be eating the restaurant’s food for the first time.

When it comes to customer priorities, it’s no surprise that on-time (or slightly early) delivery is the #1 most prioritized factor. Compared with personal food orders, food for work is extremely high stakes. Late, cold, or poorly prepared orders can negatively impact business results or professional reputations.  

The key to success: Be reliable. Remember: these customers order a lot, and nothing will make them seek out a different option faster than a meal that does not arrive on time, as ordered. Focus on execution and use catering management and delivery software that will give your customers peace of mind and make them look like heroes. 


Source: ezCater’s 2023 Feeding the Workplace Report


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