ezOrdering Setup Instructions

Setting up your ezOrdering menu is as easy as adding a link to your website. However, how and where you add it makes a big difference. Your link must be clear and visible so customers can find it.

We analyzed  5,000+ catering partners to find the most effective way to add ezOrdering to your website. Here’s what we learned:

  • For all sites, the most important place for your link is the main navigation.
    If customers don’t see “Catering” here, they’re likely to assume you don’t offer catering.
  • If your site has a separate catering page, also add a button to it.
    Partners who add multiple ezOrdering links get their first order 39% faster than partners with only one link.


General Instructions

1. Sign in to where you manage your website.

2. Find where you can edit your site’s navigation.

3. Two options.

  • Option 1 (Sites without catering page)
    Add a new option called “Catering”
  • Option 2 (Sites with catering page)
    Add a new option below Catering called “Order Now”

4. For the URL, copy and paste your ezOrdering link:


WordPress Instructions

1. Sign in to your WordPress dashboard: www.[mywebsite].com/wp-admin

2. Go to Appearance > Menus and choose Custom Links.

3. For URL, copy and paste your ezOrdering link: https://www.ezcater.com/catering/pvt/my-restaurant

Option 1

(Sites without catering pages)

4. For Link Text, type “Catering”.

5. Choose Add to Menu.

Option 2

(Sites with catering pages)

4. For Link Text, type “Order Online”.

5. Choose Add to Menu.

6. Move it under “Catering”, then drag it to the right to create a sub item.


For more information, see the WordPress Menu User Guide.


Wix Instructions

1. Sign in at Wix.com.

2. Go to Site Actions > Edit Site.

3. Choose Menus & Pages > Add a Link.

4. Choose Web Address, and copy and paste your ezOrdering link: https://www.ezcater.com/catering/pvt/my-restaurant

Option 1

(Sites without catering pages)

5. Name the link “Catering”.

Option 2

(Sites with catering pages)

5. Name the link “Order Online”.

6. Move it under “Catering”, and drag it to the right to create a sub menu.


Add a button to your site’s catering page.

Be sure it’s near the top of the page so people can see it. It also helps to use a color that stands out.

General Instructions

Sign in to where you manage your website. Find your catering page, and choose Edit.

If There’s an “Add Button” Option
Create a button near the top of the page with these settings:

  • Link Text: Order Catering Now
  • Link URLhttps://www.ezcater.com/catering/pvt/my-restaurant

If There’s a “Custom HTML”, “Embed”, or “Code” Option
Choose from one of these ready-made buttons, and copy and paste the code. Choose a color that stands out from the rest of the page.