ezManage Troubleshooting Guide: Accessing your ezManage Account

On a computer:

  • First, make sure you are logging into the caterer portal (ezManage) and not ezCater.com as a customer.
  • Make sure you are using the Chrome browser (we no longer support Internet Explorer)
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies (if you are unsure how to do so, google 'clearing cache for INSERT BROWSER NAME HERE).
  • Try closing and reopening your browser before logging back in.
  • Restart your computer before logging back in. 


  • Verify the app you are logging into - make sure it’s “ezManage” and not the ezCater app for customers
  • Close and reopen the app, and try logging out before logging back in
  • Uninstall and then reinstall ezManage to be sure you’re using the latest version

Common Username issues:

Tip: Your username will be the email address associated with your ezManage account

“Invalid username or password” - try requesting a password reset from the ezManage login page. Follow the instructions to reset your password. If that does not solve the issue, contact partnersuccess@ezcater.com for further assistance.

“Username is already taken,”  or “Email Address already in use”- Our system only allows one user to utilize a specific email address. Please contact partnersuccess@ezcater.com for further assistance.

“Account does not exist” - this means you have not activated your ezManage account access. Check your inbox for an activation email with the subject line ACTION REQUIRED to get orders from ezCater. 

Please note that activation emails expire two weeks from the date they were generated so the best thing to do is contact partnersuccess@ezcater.com for a new account activation link.