How to create and remove API users in ezManage

This article shows you how to create an account for your third parties to use our public API

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  1. Go to "Users & Permissions" within the Settings tab of ezManage, then select "Add New User."
  2. Input key information about the user. We recommend that the first name be the integrator
    (e.g. Checkmate, Chowly) that you are working with and the last name being API.
  3. For the email, please ask your integrator to create a unique email address for your brand, which they can receive the ezManage invitation at and log in to generate the API Token. 

    Most integrators use a format similar to:  depending on their email provider, but should have an existing format they use.
  4. Next, select which stores your integration should have access to. All locations associated
    with the user will be available to the integration. Note: These users should have access to
    at least one location.
  5. Once the locations have been selected, click "Select". The stores you selected will 
    populate the table.
  6. Click "Send Invitation" at the bottom of the page to create your API user.

Please note: You will need to set the API Users permissions once the invitation has been accepted. 

To remove users, use the deactivate button on the top of their profile.