Customer Management FAQs

Answers to top questions about the Customer Management features in ezManage.

Who can see my customers?

  • All ezManage users in the same brand attached to the same store(s) can see each other’s customers. If an ezManage user can see a store’s orders, they can also see all the customers who have ordered from that store. 
  • In the Activity Timeline of a customer, ezManage users will see orders from stores they have access to. If a customer has ordered from another store in the brand that the user doesn't have access to, they won’t see that order in the Activity Timeline. 
  • Brand Admins (or anyone attached to all stores) can see all customers across all stores. This may include corporate contacts.

Visits our customers help page for more information.

Who can see my leads?

  • Leads will be assigned at least one owner within ezManage. Any ezManage user assigned to the same store as a lead owner will be able to see that lead.
  • All users can log activities, update contact information for leads or delete them completely. They can also build new orders for them by using the "Create New Order" button in the top right.
  • Brand Admins (or anyone attached to all stores) can see all leads across all stores. This may include corporate contacts.

Visits our leads help page for more information.

Who sees an aggregate view?

  • An aggregate view is a combined view of all activity on a customer or lead. We aggregate customer records based on email address. All orders or activity on that lead or customer will be visible in one Activity Timeline, sorted chronologically.
  • For customers, the aggregate view is activated when the customer has ordered from more than 1 store. We default the page to display the aggregate view, with the most recently edited information for fields like phone number, industry, etc. being displayed as the default. The page can be filtered to view a customer's activity at a single store.
  • For leads, the aggregate view is activated when a lead exists at two stores in the same brand but the lead owners are not attached to the same store in the brand. The aggregate view combines the lead owners’ view of the leads. Any user who works for that same store can see that view of the lead.
  • Brand Admins will always see the aggregate view of all leads & customers in a brand. They can filter by a single store for customers or a single owner for leads.
  • If a user leaves a note on the aggregate view of a lead or customer, that note will appear on all other user’s version of the lead or customer.

What are house accounts?

  • House accounts let you grant customers credit that they can order against. For more information on how to create house accounts go here.
  • They can only be used as a payment method on Direct Entry orders. Go here for more information.

Can I collect house account payment via ezManage?

  • No. ezManage only allows you to track outstanding payments associated with house accounts. However, you can batch together orders to send as an invoice to your account payable users. Once the user has paid their bill, you can mark that as paid in the house account. For more information on sending invoices, please go here.